Our research uncovers the unsustainable impacts of companies and empowers stakeholders in the fight against greenwash

Antithesis Research provides you with a detailed and evidenced view of the negative sustainability impacts associated with companies, helping to identify contradictions between your organisation’s objectives and the activities of companies held in your investment portfolio.

We equip trustees, investment committees, and other stakeholders with the information necessary to take practical steps to enact change and ensure alignment with your values, through targeted engagement or divestment.

By collecting all the evidence into one place, we enable you to better assess what is material to your engagement with fund managers, advisers, and companies themselves.

We delve into alternative third-party sources often ignored by mainstream research providers and identify negative sustainability impacts in the key areas of Human Rights, Labour Rights, the Environment, and Anti-corruption/Governance.

We reject opaque ESG scores in favour of a qualitative and narrative based approach that equips you with a holistic and nuanced view of the company that can be tailored to your organisation’s specific requirements.

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